Sunday , April 30 , 2006
If you ask me a question, and I think it's good enough to go into the F.A.Q.s,
I'll send you the Donator's Wallpaper for free
Q: You're characters' mindsets are worlds apart, how did you come up with
the idea?
A: Well, I started wanting to do an online comic ever since 2001, and tried to do a rather unsuccessful sprite comic (never got past strip two). At first I thought I'd just make a comic about my job and the life of my roomate but by the time I finished drawing the fifth episode I had the idea to base the comic on a rather complicated dark comedy/fantasy short story I had be picking at and running through my mind for years and years. So I took the characters I had, though based on actual people, and tied them into my story idea. Thus G-Vegas Saints was born.
Q: Which characters' story type do you prefer doing the most?
A: It really depends on my mindset, but it's most fun for me to draw the DJ and Ping interact with each other. As far as storylines go, up until know, DJ's line has been the most rewarding, but I think that's about to change (Oooo foreshadowing)
Q: When I read your comic, I tend to daydream about being an assassin, is
this normal?
A: No, no it isn't. Remember though, normal people suck anyway.
Q: Do I get a cameo like Jared (a.k.a. Rocco) now?
A: I only put people in the comic that I know in the storyline, and even then it's has to be something that adds to the storyline. And as always, it would just be a character based on you.