Sunday , April 30 , 2006
Support the Saints!
If you donate one dollar or more, you get a nifty
donators only wallpaper.
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800 x 600, 1024 x 768
1280 x 1024 or 1600 x 1200
Month of April 2005
Disco Dag

(Click on image to enlarge)
or mail your donation along with your e-mail address to
David Dalton
5545 VOA RD
Washington, NC 27889
Star Wars Camp Out
I decided that my two day adventure to see Episode III was funny enough to make into a sub-comic, so I'll be putting it up as I finish them. I'll try not to let them get in the way of the main comic.
Episode I: The Line
Part I
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The G-Vegas Saints copyright 2005 David Dalton